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Our Solutions

Waste Management

Manager for Reverse Logistics of Electronic Equipment, Textile Material, Paper, Cardboard and Plastic. 


Newloop was born to transform garbage, but its focus now is to transform the world!

In addition to promoting a circular economy, it aims to create value and reduce costs. More than a company, we are a growing ecosystem of environmental solutions that contribute to sustainable development.


We understand that the creation of new bridges, which connect the impact and the social experience through the transformation of how society relates to the environment, will impact the way society relates to itself, bringing clarity and development in the social areas, economic, educational and community-wide through a sense of belonging and collectivity.



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Newloop performs the collection at its generating unit and takes it to the treatment center.

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In the treatment center, the storage, weighing and sorting of materials takes place.

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Concluding the cycle, the treated and certified material is destined for the final consumer.

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The treated material receives a Waste Disposal Certificate.

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Environmental Consulting:
We provide environmental licensing services, construction projects and all support in managing your business.

Let's work together?
The best and most complete content in support of environmental management  

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you practice awareness

environment in your textile company?

We can help your company to do this safely, avoiding harmful actions to the environment and generating social impact!

Textile improvement is the sector responsible for ennobling the fabrics used in the industry.
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Discover the benefit flow

1st Screening: Waste undergoes sorting, where it is separated according to type, quality and purpose. 


2nd Grinding: After sorting, the textile material is properly treated, being completely uncharacterized, turning into fiber. 


3rd Baling: The material is packaged in bales of 200 to 250 kg.


4th Correct Destination: After ensuring safety through de-characterization, carried out by inclusive and specialized labor, we allocate the fabric to the circular economy, which involves the following steps: sorting, grinding and pressing. Whose purpose is in civil construction. 

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Decharacterization of Waste 

All waste de-characterization processes are carried out in stages, according to the composition and characteristics of the materials. In this way, in addition to environmental protection, it is also possible to provide security to the brand that manufactures the items.


The entire process at Newloop is carried out in its own structure, with the issuance of technical and photographic reports and certificates of destination.  


In this way, the Federal Revenue is able to issue the term of closure of these products, as well as the tax deduction.


Reverse logistic

What is it
Reverse Logistics? 

Reverse logistics is the process of planning, implementing, controlling the efficiency, cost effectiveness, flows of raw materials, products in progress, finished products and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin, thinking about logistical operations.

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How does the
Reverse Logistics? 

Damaged products that are returned to the manufacturer, incorrect or expired orders for perishable goods are cases where the supply chain is adapted to process orders returned to the manufacturer. 

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